14th Annual MGA Tripe Crown Showdown 
Sunday, May 18, 2025 - Event
Saturday, May 17, 2025 - Packet Pickup
Town Center Plaza - Leawood, KS

Sign up today to volunteer for the Myasthenia Gravis Association Triple Crown Showdown 5k, 1 Mile Mosey & Tot Trot.

The MGA Triple Crown Showdown would not be possible without the efforts of volunteers performing a variety of tasks throughout the week of the event! Examples of the different functions volunteers play include:

- Race Registration to help individuals get registered during packet pick up or on race day
- Handing out packets and race shirts during packet pickup
- Course Monitors along the course on race day for the 5k and 1 mile mosey
- and so much more!

If you have a group or family that would like to volunteer together, please contact the Myasthenia Gravis Association at info@mgakc.org.

Town Center Plaza
5000 W 119th Street
Leawood, KS 66209

What's your email address?

Your information

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
First Name *
Last Name *
Mobile Phone *
T-Shirt Size *
Are you volunteering with another individual? (Each person will need to register)
What is the first and last name of the person you are wanting to volunteer with? (Each individual will need to register)
is this your first time volunteering with the MGA 5k? *


In consideration of you accepting this entry, I, the participant, intending to be legally bound and hereby waive or release any and all right and claims for damages or injuries that I may have against the City of Overland Park, KS., the City of Leawood, KS., the Myasthenia Gravis Assocaiton, volunteers,the Event Director, IMAthlete.com, and all of their agents assisting with the event, sponsors and their representatives and employees for any and all injuries to me or my personal property. This release includes all injuries and/or damages suffered by me before, during or after the event. I recognize, intend and understand that this release is binding on my heirs, executors, administrators, or assignees.

By submitting this entry, I acknowledge (or a parent or adult guardian for all children under 18 years) having read and agreed to the above waiver.